How To Write the Perfect Valentine’s Day Message?

Are you looking to wow that special someone on the most romantic day of the year? This guide will help you take those butterflies in your stomach and turn them into beautiful poetry.

1. Choose a method

Find a unique way to communicate with your significant other. Choosing the right method is an important first step. We have three tips to choose the best medium for your message.

First, it must be special. If you communicate by text all the time, then a text message isn’t the right choice. It needs to be something you rarely talk on, or haven’t talked using in a long time.

Second, physical is better than digital. It shows more effort, and the person will enjoy being able to touch the message. People like tangible shows of affection.

Third, something public is usually better than something private. It shows that you aren’t afraid to let the world know you care about the person. Many people enjoy that they can get the attention from you in front of others.

A hand-written letter usually does a good job of satisfying all of the above. Most people rarely communicate by letter anymore, it is physical, and finally, it is something the person can take with them, putting it on their desk at work, sticking it on the fridge, maybe even framing it on the wall. If you plan ahead, you can mail the letter (even to your own home), and it shows that this wasn’t some last minute thing.

Other mediums can work too! Things with great success can be writing on the person’s car (with easily washable paint), baking a cake with a message, or more. Be creative!

2. Create a Good Writing Environment

The best place is somewhere calm, peaceful, and private. Make sure you are alone when you write it, and give yourself plenty of time to think. It’s okay to need more than one draft. You want to reminisce about good moments with the person, and mention them to him or her.

3. Write the Message

The best message is one that comes from the heart. So take some time to sit down and think about why you care about that special someone. Good things to mention include:
1. Favorite memories
2. First dates
3. How you met
4. Previous romantic moments

4. Send it!

That’s it! You’ve created a gift from the heart that will show how you feel!

Learn 6 Clever Ways to Say I Love You with Emoji ? and 5 Creative Ways to Say I Love You ?. You can learn how to send best I-love-you messages with emojis.

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